The province of Bocas del Toro is located in the northwest of the Republic of Panama, in the extreme west.

It consists of the Bocas del Toro archipelago which is a group of islands in the Caribbean Sea. This group of islands separates the Almirante Bay and the Chiriquí Lagoon, from the opening of the Caribbean Sea. The archipelago is located in the district of Bocas del Toro, in the province of the same name.

The main town is also named Bocas del Toro, which is the capital of the province with the same name. Its urban center is at one end of Isla Colon, which is the center of tourist development in the region as well as the location of more than fifty hotels, numerous restaurants, tour operators and a large number of associated businesses. to this sector.

In this archipelago is the Isla Bastimentos National Park, created in 1988 where one can discover the famous endemic red frogs (Dendrobates pumilio).

Bocas del Toro offers incredible opportunities for bird watching, diving, snorkeling, fishing or just relaxing on deserted beaches. The local people seem more Caribbean than Central American and although many of them speak Spanish and English, in fact they prefer Guari-Guari, a unique patois that combines English, Spanish and Creole.

The pearl of the Caribbean is the Island of Escudo de Veraguas. It is the most remote island in the Bocas del Toro archipielago and is located just outside the tourist route, in the ¨Golf of mosquitos¨.

Escudo Island has 4 sectors: the first is the one with the largest beach and the small village Ngöbe-Buglé. There is a group of houses there that are inhabited in certain months of the year, when the sea allows small fishing boats to arrive on the island.

The first is the one with the largest beach and the small village Ngöbe-Buglé. There is a group of houses there that are inhabited in certain months of the year, when the sea allows small fishing boats to arrive on the island.

The second is where the cliffs are; the sea played the role of sculptor, creating magnificent navigable arches and incredible natural sceneries. In this area there are small beaches, formed when the sea erodes the stone. This is where this magical place is found that the Ngöbe-Buglé call ¨the virgin cave ”. There is a hidden beach here which has been found under a natural roof over the centuries, and where all visitors take the mandatory picture during their stay!

The third are the estuaries, where the landscape is very impressive because it combines the beauty of the crystalline waters and the white sand with the thickness of the forest, whose green is reflected on the water, merging with the blue of the sky to create a mixture and contrast that is so unique to describe. Here one can observe the unique pigmented sloth.

The fourth part is that of the small beaches that seem to have been designed and built following instructions to create a paradise.

Bocas del Toro is the sanctuary for many species of endangered birds, manatees, freshwater turtles and the poison dart frog found in this area.

In the archipelago, visitors can explore lush tropical forests with abundant flora and fauna, sunny islands, beaches that are the best of the Caribbean, coral reefs in crystal clear waters, mangrove islands and much more!

Discover Bocas del Toro with its Caribbean flavor, nightlife and unique and calm atmosphere!